Objective 5

Objective 5- Increase passenger and client awareness of wildlife trafficking issues:  This objective will focus on generating incentives for private sector buy-in through rewards, profile and outreach, including the development of an awards ceremony to recognize excellence in the industry in tackling wildlife trafficking.  Some trial airport outreach initiatives for the industry to rally behind and gain profile will be developed, so they can show leadership and ownership in their home airport hubs. The increased profile and incentives will help to support and encourage public commitments from companies.


Awareness Raising

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World Wildlife Day Toolkit 2021

World Wildlife Day is held on March 3 every year and presents a great opportunity for ROUTES partners to broadcast the important work they are doing to prevent wildlife trafficking through air transport.

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World Pangolin Day Toolkit 2021

As the world’s most trafficked mammal, this is an important day to broadcast commitment to keeping these incredible animals out of the skies and celebrate them for their worth alive.

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